Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Easter and Holy Week in Malta 2014

Holy Week and Easter is an important time in the Maltese calendar and is primarily celebrated in churches where the faithful gather on mass to commemorate the passion, death and resurrection of Christ.

Holy week begins on the Friday before Good Friday and  starts when the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows is carried in a procession through the Streets of the capital city, Valletta, as well as many other towns and villages in Malta. This is followed by Maundy Thursday, on the eve of Good Friday, where seven different churches are visited in order to pay homage to the Altars of Repose.

The next day, Good Friday, sees a solemn procession of statues that represent episodes in the Passion of Christ and are carried by bearers in various towns and cities. There are typically ten statues used during each procession and in between the statues many participants dress as biblical characters and take part in the procession in a dignified manner. Examples include men bearing a cross or dragging chains tied to their bare feet as an act of penance or faith.

Easter Sunday is a much more lively affair as it renounces the Resurrection of Christ and is celebrated with a statue of the risen Christ moving along the streets, typically accompanied by a band playing festive songs. The end is always at the entrance of the church, the way is cleared and the statue bearers carry the Risen Christ triumphantly back into the church.

Local tradition is represented by exchanging chocolate covered Easter eggs and 'figolla', an almond filled pastry found in various shapes like a rabbit, fish, lamb or heart and covered in icing sugar with most families meeting for a special family lunch.

Events organised exclusively for guests staying at the Hotel Phoenicia during this period:

  • Wednesday 16th April 2014: “Easter traditions” lecture by Mr. Vince Zammit in the Green Lounge C between 6pm and 7pm
  • Thursday 17th April 2014: “Settimana Santa” - Tour of the 3 cities visiting statues, salt displays and more
  • Saturday 19th April 2014: “The Great Siege of 1565 – A Maritime Perspective” excursion by Dr. Timmy Gambin

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